Here’s the thing. We don’t have the same opportunities to build community that we used to.
Daily life today looks a lot different than it used to. And while we would NEVER want to go back to an existence without Netflix, Uber Eats, and (erghmmm) women’s rights, our current social structures leave a whole lot to be desired.
That something is... community. Sisterhood. Deep platonic friendships with women who understand you, care about you, challenge you, and help you self-actualize.
Sound a bit cheesy? Yes. Vitally important, though? Also yes.
So many of us don’t live with extended families under the same roof. Some of us don’t subscribe to religion, so we don’t have the community that comes built-in with faith.
We’re not all gathering for the wheat harvest, or to raise barns and shit like that.
We’re on our own. And we feel that, deeply.
Also, since many of us are now working from home, life can feel pretty isolating.
Look, we love a good secretly-pants-free Zoom just as much as you do.
But there’s a big difference between calls with your casual work acquaintances, and the kind of intentional community that you’re craving. It’s not easy to turn one into the other (#boundaries, right?), so most of us don’t even try.
Even if you have a loving partner, a close family, a rewarding job… you might still feel this sort of restlessness. It’s a yearning to connect with other like-minded women — to talk, grow, and feel like you’re part of something bigger and more important than yourself.
We’re building our own damn community, and you’re invited
“I finally feel like I’m cultivating an adult sisterhood who can let their guards down enough to begin to understand and thrive together.”
ALICE, 40, Multitasker, Friend, Mother, and DGAW Member
“I’m building incredible connections with women I would have never met, at a time in life when I’m craving connection & genuine conversation.”
ERIN, 43, Reader, Editor, Storyteller, and DGAW Member
The yearning you’re feeling is hard to pin down, and even harder to express. Why is that? Well, because...
We didn’t grow up talking about shit like this.
As a woman of the 60s, 70s and 80s, you probably grew up firmly entrenched in your Boomer parents’ mindset. (Most of the time, that mindset was “La la la, ignore the problem until it goes away.” Feeling slightly attacked right now? That means you’re in the right place.)
Unlike millennials and Gen Z, we didn’t grow up embracing the hard and squishy conversations. We just didn’t talk about our challenges. Our dreams and desires. Our big-ass what-ifs.
But we need to.
Because right now, we’re trying to navigate life in a way we weren’t taught to… and it’s harder than it has to be.
The missing piece is genuine connection and sisterhood — and thanks to the Internet, we no longer need to live within walking distance to create it for ourselves.
(To be clear: DGAW isn’t about growing up. We’re grown, and we like it that way. It’s about growing out. Learning about ourselves, and from others with radically different experiences. Deepening our knowledge and exploring new ideas, topics, and hobbies.
And having a hell of a good time while we do it.)
Online Gatherings.
(All. The. Time.)
Join us virtually throughout the week for everything from Grown Ass Game Nights to Leadership Circles and Book Club Discussions.
Community Discussions
A place to bring your questions & existential challenges — everything from big, meaty, tough questions to smaller daily delights and annoyances.
Member-Led Workshops
Our incredible members regularly share their knowledge and experience on both personal and business-related topics.
Monthly 1-on-1 Member Dates
One-on-one connection is where the deepest friendships thrive. If you want us to, we’ll help you connect with other women in our community.
Plus, join DGAW members near you in-person for meetups like “Women’ing Wednesdays”!*
*once it feels safe to do so again
Did we mention that we have swag?
A powerful lineup of products for BOLD women.
Who’s behind Dear Grown Ass Women®?
Hi, I’m Cyndie. I founded Dear Grown Ass Women® in 2019 to be a deeply inclusive platform and community for women 35+.
Why us? (It wasn’t just my ego, I promise.)
Women our age have a subset of unique experiences that are often ignored within the spaces of personal development and community building.
I created this platform for us to learn through self-exploration, build inclusive friendships, and continue evolving in the company of like-minded diverse women. Because: most things in life are better in community.
The women in our community are committed to cultivating a deep understanding of who they are, what lights them up, and how they can follow their individual paths while supporting each other to do the same.
It’s hard. It’s messy. It’s also… awesome, and important. Because in doing this valuable work, we also tap into the epicenter of our integrity. And guess what? That’s where our confidence to do the impossible — or so we thought — lives.